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Drupal 8 Views

Drupal 8 se vyvinul jako nová a mnohem lepší platforma pro správu obsahu se vším.
Seda Aktepe
Seda Aktepe
10 min. read
Drupal 8 Views

Drupal 8 has been developed as a new and much better content management platform with everything. There are many innovations and changes in Drupal 8, but perhaps one of the most important of these is the inclusion of the Views module in the core. By using the Views module effectively and correctly, you can actively develop websites with Drupal. Good news; Although Views is included in the core, there are not many changes. You can start developing websites with Drupal 8 without waiting for any module.

For many developers who are new to Drupal, the first step after creating content is to learn how to list the content on websites. This is exactly where Views comes into play. There are not many changes in the Views module between Drupal 7 and Drupal 8, you can see the differences in the two screenshots below, small changes have been made in parts that are not used much, but if you are not a very good Views user, you may not notice this.

Drupal 7

Drupal 8

With Drupal 8, Views is used to create administration pages and some pages that come by default. In other words, administration pages where the contents and users are listed, dynamic structures where the last entered contents are listed are created with Views by default.  Another innovation that comes with Drupal 8 is the introduction of more ready-made Views. Apart from the Archive and Glossary views, there are many Views that come by default and are ready to use.


A few small changes have been made in the interface, the "No Results Behaviour" section has been moved to the Advanced area on the right in Drupal 8. The name of the button we use to copy the view has been changed to "duplicate", previously it was called "clone". In fact, these small differences will not slow you down, you can use the Views you already know from Drupal 7 in the same way.

Theme Information section removed

Theme Information section, which is one of the most used features in Drupal 7 Views, indicating which theme file you will use, has been removed. Actually, it would have been better if they hadn't removed it, it made the developers' work much easier. You will now be able to learn the file names you learnt from the Views screen from the debug section of Twig.

Field Language settings removed

In Drupal 7, the Field Language option in the Advanced section on the right side has been removed, now you can make this setting for each field. In Drupal 8, changes were made in this section due to the inclusion of multi-language support in the core.

Removed Advanced Help section

The advanced help option, which was not used much, was also removed from the Views module with Drupal 8. You can access the related help documents at

Views is not the only module included in the Drupal core, Web Service modules that enable data exchange with different systems have also been developed. When you open the related modules, a new view will appear to the Views module called "Responsive Endpoint". With "Responsive Endpoint" you can get outputs in JSON or different formats.

Views is one of the most important modules that distinguish the Drupal content management system from other systems. With Drupal 8, you can develop websites without the need for any additional modules. 

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